Index The Index card contains a number of buttons and an Index field. The Index field displays the documents stored in the Editor. You can manually rebuild the Index by clicking on the Index button, or check the Auto Index checkbox to do so automatically upon opening the Index card. To view a document within the Editor, double-click on its name in the Index field. Several of the buttons deal with either a single document or a multiple selection of documents. Single-click to select a document, or check the Select Multiple checkbox to drag-select more than one document. New Creates a new, blank document. Import Text Fileā€¦ Imports a TEXT file into a new document window. Save All Saves all documents stored in the Editor to the default folder*. Save Selected Saves the selected document(s) to the default folder*. Edit Selected Edits the selected document. Delete Selected Deletes the selected document(s) from the editor. Does not affect any text files stored on your hard disk. Index Click on this button to rebuild the index. *The default folder is the folder in which HTML.edit resides. Back to Sizing Windows, on to Deleting Documents, or return to Contents.